Ki’s Trinidadian Style Stewed Tomatoes



Prep Time:

5 Minutes

Cook Time:

15 Minutes




  • 3-4 plump medium sized fresh tomatoes (diced)
  • 2 sprigs of scallion/or green onion
  • 1 tsp olive oil
  • 1 inch knob of ginger peeled, sliced, pounded and finely chopped
  • 3 small-med cloves garlic peeled, pounded and minced
  • 1 small handful of cilantro
  • salt & black pepper to taste
  • ¼ tsp rubbed thyme
  • â…“ tsp cumin seeds
  • â…“ tsp mustard seeds

Step by Step Instructions

Step 1
Heat a large frying pan to medium-high, add all the herbs and spices except salt and pepper.
Step 2
Once mustard seed starts to pop, add the tomatoes and stir.
Step 3
Add salt and pepper to taste
Step 4
Stir and cover and allow to boil. After 5 minutes uncover and taste for salt. The tomatoes are finished when most of the water has evaporated and tomatoes are slightly melted but still a bit chunky.
Serve with Kitchari (click to access recipe) or any rice or potatoes dish


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