Ki’s Callaloo Stew



Prep Time:

10 Minutes

Cook Time:

20 Minutes





  • 5 cups fresh spinach or 4 cups frozen
  • 1 tsp of olive oil
  • 1/2 cup unsweetened coconut milk (canned)
  • ½ cup organic unsweetened soy milk or cashew milk
  • 1 can of red kidney beans rinsed
  • 2 cups butternut squash cut into 1” cubes
  • 1 cup frozen and sliced in rounds okra (or 10 fresh okra washed and sliced into ¼” thick rounds
  • 4 cocktail tomatoes chopped
  • 1/2 tsp each cumin seeds & mustard seeds
  • ½ tsp ground cumin
  • 1 Tbsp fresh ginger washed, thinly sliced, finely chopped and slightly pounded
  • 3 cloves garlic peeled & pounded
  • 2 pimento/padron peppers or 1 hot banana pepper chopped (optional)
  • 1/4 cup fresh cilantro chopped
  • salt and pepper to taste

Step by Step Instructions

Step 1
Heat a large saute pan on med-high heat and add oil
Step 2
Add cumin and mustard seeds, and once they start to pop add the ginger, garlic, tomatoes and pimento and cilantro and stir
Step 3
Add the ½ cup coconut milk and stir. Allow to cook and bubble for 3 minutes stirring to prevent burning
Step 4
Add the spinach, red kidney beans and vegetables and sprinkle in the ground cumin, salt and pepper. Cook for 5 min until the spinach has wilted but not released all of its liquid. Taste for seasoning.
Step 5
Add all the remaining milk and 1-2 cups of water. Allow to come to a boil, then reduce the heat to medium, keep covered and allow to cook until butternut squash is soft.  You only need enough water to allow the butternut squash to cook, but not enough to turn into a soup.
Step 6
Calalloo is finished when the spinach is still bright green but has absorbed the flavour.
Step 7
Serve over a bed of ⅔ cup whole grains
There should be a bit of gravy from the milk once finished. If not, add more milk. You may use 1/3 of a deseeded jalapeno pepper instead of the pimento


  1. Linda Falardeau

    How much ground cumin is needed? Can’t find it in recipe?

    • P3 Team

      It should be ½ tsp ground cumin (recipe has been updated). Thank you for providing these 🙂

  2. Linda Falardeau

    Step 5 Add all the remaining milk. What is the amount? Ingredients state 1/2 cup and that was added in Step 3?

  3. Linda Falardeau

    What step do we add the kidney beans?

    • P3 Team

      Thank you for noticing this. You should add it in step 4 (recipe has been updated)

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